by yoga admin | May 1, 2017 | Pose of the Month, Yoga, Yoga Practice Tips
Next up in our Warrior series is Warrior II – one of my personal favourites. Starting to open up the chest, shoulders and hips. Still practicing that balance between ease and effort, strong and soft. SANSKRIT NAME Virabhadrasana II ALIGNMENT & VARIATIONS...
by yoga admin | Apr 1, 2017 | Pose of the Month, Yoga, Yoga Practice Tips
Preparing to go through our Warrior poses in these next few months – strong, masculine poses that challenge us both physically and mentally. Learning to keep the muscles of the body strong to hold the pose, whilst keeping the gaze, the drishti, the breath, the...
by yoga admin | Mar 7, 2017 | Pose of the Month, Yoga, Yoga Practice Tips
Puppy pose, or melting heart pose, is a beautiful heart opener to stretch out the arms, shoulders and chest, as well as open up the spine, upper back and lower back… SANSKRIT NAME Uttana Shishosana ALIGNMENT & VARIATIONS Beginning in table top...
by yoga admin | Feb 3, 2017 | Pose of the Month, Yoga, Yoga Practice Tips
It’s almost impossible to go through a yoga class without doing at least one downward-facing dog… A challenging pose for both beginner yogis and more experienced yogis who may not have practiced in a while, downward dog eventually becomes a much-cherished...
by yoga admin | Jan 7, 2017 | Pose of the Month, Yoga, Yoga Practice Tips
Starting off the New Year with our December POM’s close relative – side plank pose! SANSKRIT NAME Vasisthasana ALIGNMENT & VARIATIONS Bottom hand directly underneath shoulder, fingers spread, middle finger pointing forward Press down through knuckles...