The final Warrior pose in this series is Warrior III. Still remembering the strength and softness in our previous Warriors, but this time bringing it together with a balancing position.
- Virabhadrasana III
- Starting in Warrior I or a crescent lunge, keep bending through the front knee and transfer weight to the front leg
- Begin floating the back leg up and leaning the chest forward
- Flex the back foot, keep pushing heel towards the back wall
- Crown pulling forward, spine long – straight line from crown of the head to the back heel
- Shoulders blades drawing down the back, chest open
- Engage through core, pull up through side waist, belly button drawing back towards spine
- Hips square to the mat, back toes pointing down
- Bottom foot grounding down into mat and pulling up through thighs for a solid foundation
- Options: Hands and arms have many options in this pose – either on the hips, in prayer in front of the heart, straight out in front, or out long beside the body. Experiment and see which option feels most natural or helps your balance!
- Strengthens arms, shoulders, core, thighs, calves and ankles
- Stretches and opens arms, shoulders, chest, front body, hips, thighs, calves and ankles
- Practicing both physical and mental balance – keeping the breath and mind steady even as the body experiences physical discomfort
Option to keep hands on hips for balance.
Option to lengthen arms out long in front – keep shoulders down, chest open, fingertips drawing forward.