Can you believe that it’s December already?! This year has really flown by…

Finishing off 2016 with our strong plank pose – starting to fire up and strengthen the wrists, arms, core and legs…


  • Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana


  • Fingers spread, middle finger pointing forward, press down through knuckles of fingers to protect wrists
  • Shoulders down away from ears, shoulder blades down the back
  • Slight micro-bend in elbows to avoid hyper-extending
  • Stack shoulders directly above wrists
  • Keep spine long, neck long, core engaged, drawing belly button back towards spine
  • Option 1: Knees to the mat, keep spine long, shoulders back and down, core engaged
  • Option 2: Legs extended, push back through heels, one straight line from crown of head to heels, core engaged
  • Sensitive wrists: If you experience any discomfort or tension in the wrists, bring the hands into fists and balance on fists OR roll mat or blanket up into heel of hands for support OR come down onto forearms.


Option 1: Knees to the mat, keep spine long, shoulders back and down, core engaged


Option 2: Legs extended, push back through heels, one straight line from crown of head to heels, core engaged


  • Building heat, strength and stability in wrists, arms, shoulders, back, core and legs
  • Preparing the body for stronger poses, such as side plank, arm balances etc.
  • A transition pose