Yoga Trapeze Classes

LumaFlow Yoga is now offering Yoga Trapeze® classes!! The first studio in Brisbane to offer this, be the first to experience the many benefits of this yoga prop!

What is the Yoga Trapeze®?

Like a cross between aerial yoga silks/slings and TRX training bands, the Yoga Trapeze® combines elements from both of these practices. You get the improved flexibility, circulation and decompression from anti-gravity poses, as well as strengthening and toning from TRX-inspired drills.

What are the benefits?

  • Decompress the spine and lower back
  • Relieve back pain and tension
  • Safely practise supported backbends
  • Improve circulation
  • Increase flexibility
  • Improve balance
  • Whole body strengthening
  • Increase grip strength

Why are there no group classes available?

It can be scary to go upside down for the first time, particularly under gravity-defying circumstances… There are also many contraindications for practising on the Yoga Trapeze® (e.g. specific medical conditions). Therefore, for safety reasons, only one-on-one classes are available at this time to ensure individualised class plans, correct alignment, and adequate attention and support.



Bookings are essential. Please email us here.

Terms & Conditions

  • A 50% deposit is to be made at least 48 hours in advance to confirm your booking. The remaining balance payable is to be paid on the first class.
  • Payments are non-refundable or transferrable for cash or other class credits.
  • Bookings must be rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance or result in forfeiting the lesson fee.
  • Any negligence or nuisance caused by students on premises may result in forfeiting or cancellation of the booking and/or any remaining bookings.


  • 學生需要在第一節課48小時前付50%學費作為訂金,其餘學費需在第一節課後付款,學費一概不會退還,包括現金或轉換成其他形式的課堂
  • 如需改變原本預定的上課日期或時間,必要在該課堂前最少24小時通知老師;否則被當作放棄該課堂
  • 學生在課堂上造成任何疏忽或滋擾行為,將會被當作放棄該課堂甚至餘下課堂